Monday, March 9, 2009

The Week Begins



Good Morning!  

It is Monday and, for those of you who religiously follow every detail of my life, you may remember that this means that I am watching baby Parker!

Today, I have him from 7:45-6:00.

Which means that I am just praying that we avoid disaster and make it through the day alive.

And for lots of Simultaneous naps.


Anyway, we did have a very nice weekend over here, even with the (predicted) snowfall.

Didn’t do a whole lot of anything, which was lovely.

Joseph got his first Electric-Razor-Haircut!


Getting a haircut is Joseph’s worst nightmare.

He thinks that we are DEFINITELY trying to decapitate him.


(Note the terror still lingering in his eyes.)

So, the rest of the day was spent clinging and snuggling.

IMG_1797              IMG_1807

There was a moment yesterday evening where Joseph was actually playing by himself, and Brian and I found ourselves alone in the kitchen.

We commented on what a good boy Joseph was for playing on his own, and went to go look at some plans Brian had drawn up for our future awning.

We missed the first rule of parenting, which is: “If your child is being quiet, he is being naughty.  Or pooping.”

Little Joseph was busy pulling out almost all of the wipes from the package.


Of course I couldn’t get mad at him.


I wish Brian could be a stay-at-home dad with me, and yet still get paid.  We love him like crazy around here.




Anonymous said...

I couldn't have been mad at that little grin either. Especially after seeing those pleading eyes in regard to the haircut. He's a doll!

T Rex Mom said...

Poor guy - hair cuts can be brutal! And I apologize if Thomas gave him any ideas about the wipes - that happens here all the time. You would think I would have learned by now to put them up out of reach. We hope you have a good day with baby Parker.

Maureen said...

I am so glad you are enjoying your little "stinker" SO much. Nice haircut Joseph - handsome little baby man!