Monday, September 15, 2008

A Friday Night Outing…

Friday evening was beautiful, and Brian had gotten home early from work, so we decided to take an outing to the local park.  Brian suggested that we bring along a kite I got at a garage sale for 50 cents to fly there.  Of course, we unknowingly picked the ONLY non-windy day in Boise to fly our kite, but good old Brian was willing to run around in order to get it to take flight.IMG_6795-1

As it turned out, Joseph could have cared less about the awesome kite flying right in front of him.  He preferred to do this: 9-12-08

And, really, who can blame him?  He hardly ever gets to see Mommy after all… 

 Good old Brian kept up the effort, though, IMG_6804-1and Joseph did, eventually, give a glance in his direction and a half-hearted attempt to reach the kite. (It was in the icky grass after all…)










I forgot to mention that we call this park the “shady-park,” a fact that is ironic since this is what it looks like.IMG_6810 











This is about as shady as it gets in our neck of the woods… or, rather, our neck of the desert?

At this time a bus full of people with special needs arrived to play at the playground.  Brian and I noticed, but went on with our business.  Our politically incorrect baby, however, commenced with the intense staring.  This staring was very obvious and not letting up, so I decided to distracted him by taking him to the playground.  Unfortunately, one of the people with special needs began making some very loud sounds over and over, at which point my baby began HYSTERICALLY LAUGHING AT HIM.  Embarrassing!!   Luckily for us, no one seemed to notice, and we tried to make it look as though he was laughing at his parents, and not at the special-needs stranger.  Sigh.  One of many embarrassing moments to come with Joseph, I’m sure! 

The highlight of the park was swinging with Daddy.  IMG_6837-1

Brian would drag his feet on the way down (easy to do when you are as tall as he is!), which made a loud scuffing noise that Joseph found to be the funniest noise on the planet!9-12-082

I went a little picture crazy, but these moments are the ones that I want to be sure to capture and cherish!  (sounds corny, but it’s true!)

It was such a nice Friday evening- we are both depressed and missing Brian while he is back at work today!! Sigh…


My Favorite Pictures of The Day


So sweet.






IMG_6798 (And nice flying, babe…)

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