Tonight on Thursday’s Culinary Adventure:
Huzzah! Don’t they sound delicious? I saw this Recipe on One More Moore’s blog, and since I’m always up for mixing up the ol’ spaghetti-tacos-stir fry rotation, I decided to try it out!
You will need:
For Meatballs:
2 lbs. ground turkey (or beef, if you’re like that.)
1/3 c. fresh parsley (or a tsp. or so dried, if you’re like THAT)
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 Tb. chopped onions
1c. bread crumbs
dash of salt and pepper
2 eggs
2 Tb. soy sauce
For Sauce:
1 can whole berry cranberry sauce.
1 12oz bottle chili sauce (usually found by the ketchup)
1 Tb. mustard
1 Tb. lemon juice
1 Tb. brown sugar
1 garlic clove (minced)
- Put all of the stuff for your meatballs together in a bowl.
Mix er on up and add the ground turkey. Blend with your hands. (Eeww. I know, its gross, and I’m sorry.)
-Shape into little, 1 inch balls, and place on FOIL LINED cookie sheets. If you do not line them with foil, the cookie sheets will end up looking like this.
- This will take you a pretty long time, and you will be very tired. Like this.
This recipe makes a LOT of meatballs.
Like 30…or 106…I’ve never been very good at guessing the quantity of things.
Let’s just say, I froze about a quarter of the meatballs to use later in spaghetti, and we will still be eating meatballs for many nights.
-Bake those meaty meatballs at 450 for about 8-10 minutes- or until they are brown all the way through.
-While your meatballs are cookin’, stir all of the ingredients for your sauce into a…well…SAUCEpan, and heat over medium heat until they are all melted together and delicious looking.
CONFESSION: I forgot to get chili sauce at the store! Whoops! I just added 12 oz of ketchup, mixed with 1 Tb. of chili powder. Don’t you think that is probably the same thing? Not sure…
-Throw your cooked meatballs into the crock pot, and dump the sauce on top.
-Cook them on low for an hour or two or three, until they are warm, saucy, and you are ready to serve them.
-We put ours over rice.
Taste Testers Say:
Yummm! I love meatballs!
Caitlin: Yay! They are tasty and apparently make me smile! (Confession: I forgot to take this picture until I was sitting here at the computer, blogging.)
Yeah, Yeah, the meatballs are okay, but kind of a weird texture for me. GIVE ME MORE BANANA-CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE!!! (He is my son.)
Summary: Yum! These are very tasty, and a nice change from the spaghetti-and-meatball scene. My only advice, and maybe it is just personal preference, is to add MORE cranberry sauce. I think that next time I will ad 1.5 cans instead of 1. I felt like it needed a little more of a cranberry punch. Also, maybe double the sauce recipe- the extra sauce is good over rice, and when it comes to meatballs, I think the more sauce the better.
Grade: B+
(PS, I hope you appreciate that I restrained myself from all of the BALL jokes that I could have made on this post. Really. I could have made a LOT. In case you wanted to hear them, pretty much just subtract the word “meat” from the word “meatball” every time it is used. Haha! See?! I made all of the “meatballs” a different color to ease your way. You’re welcome.)
Those sound really good Caitlin and it sure looks like all your hard work was appreciated by your husband! Hope the choco-banana milkshake was a perfect end to your meal :)
So I went back through to see all of your ball jokes and they were hillarious. Thank you for that.
Or you could go to Costco and buy a bag of frozen meatballs and just add the sauce....the lazy way!
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