Tuesday, November 5, 2013




I am starting a new organization.


Here is what its called:

Mothers Against Looking Cute At School Drop Off

or…Malcasdo for short?

Admittedly the acronym needs some work.



Here’s the thing: I don’t want to be out of my house and seen by people at 7:30 in the morning.

More importantly, I don’t want to be out and seen by people at 7:30 in the morning after I ALSO had to get 3 boys up/fed/bundled and out the door. 

Because see how my school child looks all fresh and fed and tooth-brushed and hair combed and outfit matching?

He used up all of that I had in me.

And all of the TIME that I had for all of that too.


I’m not saying that you CAN’T look cute if you want to! 

But, please know that your looking cute EVERY DAY is making some of us- who felt triumphant for not wearing their robe to school- feel a little…less than ideal.


So, maybe you can look cute on holidays?  Every other day?  While wearing a sign that says It’s okay! I have to look cute because I’m going to work!” or “My husband has the day off so I had help!” or “I’m just a morning person and got up early for fun!”


But for the rest of you mothers- unite with me!  Lets hit that snooze button one more time (we deserve it!) and save the make-up and non-ponytailed hair for 9 am like a sane person!


This I promise you- fellow Malcasdo-ians!! 


1) I will do the bare minimum (ie: I will take off my robe and put on a bra)

(unless I wear a coat- in which case the bra is OBVIOUSLY optional)

(AND unless I am just dropping off my child while staying in the car- in which case the robe is also acceptable)

Basically all I can promise is that I will cover my nakedness.


2) I would rather be sleeping.


Who’s with me?!


suzy said...

This makes me so happy! This is my #1 reason I'm not putting Eden in preschool yet... WHY oh WHY would I think I could be dressed by 8am? God bless you!

Unknown said...

Seriously so hilarious Caitlin!!! I'm not looking forward to Addi being in Preschool next year because of this... I believe there will be a lot of Yoga pants and sweatshirts involved in my wardrobe when she does!!

Unknown said...

Bahaha! I LOVE this, Caitlin.

Angie said...

I shared with this with my sister in law who has three kids in elementary school and she is with you!!!

Angie said...

I shared with this with my sister in law who has three kids in elementary school and she is with you!!!

Breanna said...

I'm in!!!

Breanna said...

I'm in!!!

Anonymous said...

NOt only am I totally in - I put my son on the bus wearing my PJs. I know I know it's horrific. One of his classmates saw me in school and said I looked different. I was hoping she couldn't pin point the fact that I was wearing real clothes.

Thanks for sharing.

zookeeper said...

One of the reasons I love home school!! There's no way I'm with it that early! Way to unite the sisterhood! :)

zookeeper said...

One of the reasons I love home school!! There's no way I'm with it that early! Way to unite the sisterhood! :)

Unknown said...

Hey--just be lucky you have boys and THEY look clean and hair brushed and clothes matching...with my girls on many days none of us looked that way. In fact, I once brought my middle daughter to pre-school in her jammies with a rat's nest hair-do because, you know, girls. And the other one went through about a year long phase of only wearing a "party dress," also known as a ratty, hand-me-down tutu.

Cathie said...

You lost me at promising to wear a bra but then the coat thing brought me back. I'm in.

Caitlin said...

Haha! Thank you ladies for all the love! I'm glad that I'm not alone in this! Braless pajama-wearers UNITE!