Friday, October 30, 2009

You Win Some, You Lose Some.



The Good News:


I was walking by a mirror today while wearing a V-neck shirt, and I noticed that HELLLOOOO “Ladies!”  Looks like somebody isn’t going to have to get breast implants anytime soon- wowza!  Looking good!

The Bad News:

I have a sinking suspicion that this means that, in a few months, I am going to have an eight pound human barreling out of my va-jay-jay.



Kind of brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “You win some, You lose some” doesn’t it?


Ter said...

on the upside, tomorrow you can body paint your belly and go as a pumpkin. ;)

Liz Mays said...

There's a cost for everything. ;)

~~Mel~~ said...

Yes I guess that little baby will have to come out sooner or later!

Jenners said...

Yes it does...

Rachel said...


Nina said...

Isn't that the truth.... Why can't we keep those wonderful things we get from pregnancy? Instead they just end up worse off than they were before after it is all said and done.