Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I was also able to introduce Joseph to the whole SANDwich joke, which was a huge plus.



(Isaac on my back so that Joseph and I could go out in the deep waves.  Joseph laughed hysterically the whole time.)


Today I was awakened in the usual way- with Joseph yelling “MAAAAAMMMAAAA!!!!” from his room next door.

But I didn’t mind, because the second thought that entered my mind (after the usual “how can I get rid of him so that I can go back to sleep?”)  was that, “Wait a minute!  It’s BEACH DAY!!”


I took a shower while Joseph’s constant stream of chatter bombarded my early-morning ears, and I thought about how Brian was working late again tonight.

Then I thought about how some women have their husbands off at war and they NEVER have the 6:00 rescue that I have most days…

but then I stopped thinking about that, (I don’t like thinking of people who have more to complain about than me for too long.  It’s exhausting.)  and I remembered again that, “Who needs Brian?  It’s BEACH DAY!!”


(He lay like this for a huge chunk of the day.)


Isaac was awakened in the usual way- Joseph was singing the Superman theme song too loudly, but again…!! (getting the picture?)


(what is sweeter and juicier, Isaac or the watermelon?)


(I think so too.)

Koolats? (kulats?), no make up? Anything goes...IMG_1381


We played at the beach for 5 hours


(“Joseph!  Your sandcastle is beautiful!”   “Why thank you Mama!!”)


(ice cream on his face.  Not pictured is Isaac’s Santa Claus beard from his vanilla cone)


(The beach today)


(The same beach when I went with my parents in May)



at which point Mamasita got a bit tired of beach day and forced my beach bums to pack it up, hose ‘er off, and load ‘em in.


Oh yes, and Isaac peed while in the backpack, and it came out of his swim diaper and all over my back.  Which I tried to brush off in the theme of the day, but it was pretty darn gross.  And warm. 

Then again, I am still wearing that same shirt…so there you go.


The children ate Mcdonalds happily, I changed them into their pajamas in the van, and I was able to put them immediately to bed upon my arrival home.


My house is still clean from this morning.


I only feel moderately guilty about the sunburns we all received. (I applied sunblock!!!  And whatev, Vitamin D is good, yes?)

and all I had to do was shake out our beach things and load them back up.


Because tomorrow we are going to meet some people at a sand-bottom-pool.


Sand bottom pool, you say?

Sounds mighty like a Beach Day!




T Rex Mom said...

It looks and sounds like a stellar day at the beach. But I don't know if I know the sandwich joke - sandwiches are neither sand or witches? I've never heard that joke.

I am glad you had such a wonderful day. A Boba carriers wash up nicely.

We spent the morning at the pool. That was fun. Not nearly so cool but at least no sand to clean up afterward.

Liz Mays said...

You are hysterical! What a fun beach day!