Monday, November 12, 2012

Halloween 2012 (a little bit late)





Hello everyone!  Joseph had a bang-up birthday party yesterday (he turns 5 –!!!!!- on Thursday!), but I’m not allowing myself to post about it until I knock out Halloween!DSC_0138

Buuut, Joseph just turned on the bedroom light where Samuel is sleeping, and Isaac put his barking/flipping dog toy right next to my keyboard, so we shall see how long this lasts…


Halloween was great!  Was it really two weeks ago?  Have I showered since then?  This three kids thing makes time go fast!



(cutest superman EVER!!)



I made my traditional Happy Halloweiner wraps for dinner

(weiner wraps that look like mummies)

(which my children have yet to notice ever)

and we headed out trick or treating in my parents neighborhood with my nieces, brother, and sister-in-law.


It was not raining- an Oregon Halloween miracle!!- but it was quite soggy and the kids slipped and fell a few times.


But they didn’t even care because CANDY! CANDY! CANDY!!


I am pretty sure that they would have gone all night,

but we cut them off at the end of the street. (about 20 houses?)



Wouldn’t it be fun if the boys didn’t dress up like super heroes next year?  And if they would still allow me to dress them in a theme??!


But I’m betting on at least one Batman and one ninja.


Favorite moments of the night:

I forgot their Halloween treat buckets, and we had to use some of my parents’ pillow cases.  They were too big for Isaac and he kept yelling, “I can’t find the hole!”


When we got home and dumped out all of the candy, Isaac yelled, “Dis da most candy EBER!” (ever)


…and Joseph sorted them by style.  He is noticing that the amount of Snickers keeps decreasing…


Also, around here this year, Snickers = “Sneakers” and

Payday = “Play Day.”



Happy Halloween two weeks ago!!!



Jen said...

Aw, so cute! What a great Halloween.

Mom said...

Cutest super-heroes EVER!!

T Rex Mom said...

Great photos. I'm glad you persevered and posted the Halloween photos. Glad Joseph had a great party/gathering, too.

Caitlin said...

Happy birthday to Joseph! Cutest little superheroes ever :) xx

Jenners said...

Looks like Samuel is waking up and checking out the world and thinking "What the heck are all these weird looking things around me?" Can't wait to hear about the big 5 b-day party!