Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thursday’s Culinary Adventure



See?  I told you that I would come through this week! 

It’s a little late, but hey- that’s what you get when your kid has a 5:30 wake up and just over 1 hr. long nap.  Ugh. 

And, for the record, he is still awake now.  In his crib, but awake.  At least, I THINK that is what the crying on the monitor means…

But, enough about that.  He is cute, he is healthy, he is smart, and after a good night’s sleep I will be happy to see him again.  I’m lucky.


So tonight, on Thursday’s Culinary Adventure,


Don’t those look so cool/fancy?  I got the recipe for them off of here.  Good old Martha.  She knows how to pick ‘em!  (Recipes, wreaths, THE DAY TO SELL ALL OF HER STOCKS BEFORE THEY CRASH….C’mon I had to make ONE Martha-is-a-convict joke!)


You will need:

Puff pastry

4 bananas

1/3 c. brown sugar

3 Tb. Heavy cream

1/4 tsp. vanilla

1 stick of butter

Take out one of the sheets of puff pastry and let it thaw.  If you just so happen to be baking some pizza, it is PERFECT to just let the puff pastry sit on top of your oven while the pizza bakes.  Just sayin’.

Once it is thawed, MARTHA says that you should roll it out until it is 1/4” thick.  CAITLIN says that it is already close enough, so don’t get your rolling pin dirty.  So, it’s up to you. (But, I will say that CAITLIN wants you to be able to sit down and watch So You Think You Can Dance tonight..)  

Once it is all unfolded on your counter, cut it into quarters. IMG_3764

At this point, I got confused and a little nervous.  (No one wants to cross Martha too many times.)  IMG_3767

(PS  FOR THE RECORD I had nice hair, contacts, and makeup when the day started.  Joseph beat me down.)

Her recipe says to make sure to cut the puff pastry ON the creases that already exist on the puff pastry so that the pillows rise evenly.  But the creases are going the wrong way, and would divide the square into thirds…?  One can only assume that one of Martha’s assistants wrote this recipe.


Put the puff pastry on a parchment-lined cookie sheet and bake at 400 for about 15 min.  Until they get all golden and puffy.


Meanwhile, in a saucepan, melt the butter, brown sugar, and vanilla together until it is all mixed and saucy.IMG_3769

Then, add the heavy cream.

Slice the bananas DIAGONALLY (Why?  Who Knows?!)IMG_3768 and add them to the sauce.

Remove from heat and stir until the bananas are coated.IMG_3770

Now, go back to the puff pastry, and carefully cut out a 2 inch square from the top layer of pastry- being careful not to go through the whole thing.  Like so IMG_3773


Spoon the banana mixture into the puff pastry, top with a little sprinkle of powdered sugar, and chocolate chips.  Well, the recipe actually calls for chocolate shavings, but we do what we can.


Taste Testers Say:




A FEW BITES LATER:  IMG_3784 (Nauseated.  So Nauseated.)



 IMG_3785 (Too Sweet!)





Wowza, this is VERY sweet!  It is actually pretty good though.  Until it’s sweetness made me nauseous. 

But, don’t worry readers, I muscled through and ate the whole thing. 

Anything for you. 

Might be worth a try to wow some company- especially if you like banana-chocolate combo.  And extremely sweet things. 

Grade:  B




T Rex Mom said...

Hooray!!! You're back - I totally understand being tired from a long day with the little one - wow, can I relate recently. And we cannot just let him coo or even cry in the crib anymore. Hard work, huh?

Have a great weekend and we cannot wait to hear about the fireworks on the 4th.

grandma said...

I will totally PASS on this one!! Bananas are completely over-rated...especially when you are allergic to them. By the way, you definitely should eat at night to help with the evening nausea but maybe avoid milk products..? Just a memory from your gestation a few short years ago. It was totally worth it, Baby Girl!

Ter said...

that looks so good but if it's super sweet then I would say cut back on the sugar next time (I haven't looked at the exact recipe yet) or better yet, have it with whipping creame or vanilla ice cream! OOOH that sounds good. Now I am REALLY hungry!