Friday, July 10, 2009

4th of July (On the 10th of July)


Joseph has still been going to bed lately- and it is killing my blog-life.  By the time he is in bed AND asleep, I pretty much switch the laundry and go to bed myself.  So, here are pictures of our nation’s birthday- almost a week late.


If Joseph could pick a title for this post, it would probably be, “It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times.”

He thought that the Pop-Its were AWESOME


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And he was pretty okay with the spinning flowers, Happy Pagoda, and the Tanks.



(In my family, the menfolk always lit the fireworks- looks like this will continue…)


(Running a way before it starts)



But, this is how he felt about the Sparklers



And then, it came time for the Super Whistle Cuckoo firework.

Joseph seemed to be “a bit scared.” 

And, by a bit scared, I mean he climbed up my body and bit my head in a complete panic.

We took a video of the event- but really it seems cruel that I am laughing so hard in it, while Joseph hysterically clings to my head.

What can I say?  I have a sick sense of humor.

So, there you have it, folks.

Oh yes, and no holiday is complete without a little spread.



Ter said...

I'm hungry. I wish I could reach into the computer screen and take some food from your blog.

and the look on joseph's face in some of those pictures. lol!

septembermom said...

Joseph's expressions are great in the photos. I'm imagining little Joseph clinging to your head. He'll get a kick out of that video when he's a teen.

Jen said...

Oh come on, please post the video. I so want to see it.

And I so want deviled eggs now!

grandma said...

That is a "wicked" grin on Brian's face when he is getting ready to light the fireworks and Joseph is running. FUNNY! I loved these shots of Joseph feeling so big, bad and brave with the Poppers!
How's your zygote? Or is it an embreyo? A little polliwog?

Nina said...

Oh poor thing...
Isn't it funny how kids can react to different things. I never thought about the pop-its. My boys would have loved those.

Jenners said...

How inconsiderate ... please tell Joseph to go to bed earlier so that Mommy can blog in a more timely manner. Thank you.

Those photos are sooooo cute.