Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Did you know?



Did you know that these scented markers are not washable?


That they will stay on your child’s skin for 24-36 hours?



(leaving him looking a bit like a certain dictator…)


Well, I do.




Did you also know that, if you bite the tip off said marker and/or just suck real hard, when you spit on the paper your spit is colored like the marker?


Spit painting if you will? (And Isaac WILL.)


(Joseph and I were begrudgingly impressed)


Well, I do.





ter@waaoms said...

and I'm sure the whole time you were taking pictures you were saying "No, Isaac!!" lol

at least you know that now....

Jen said...

How did something that didn't have the word 'Washable' written on it, get into your house?

Silly girl. ;)

T Rex Mom said...

Well, at least Joseph wasn't so bad. How goes the packing? I am so excited for you guys. Living vicariously through you.

suzy said...

STOP IT. You are way toooooo nice of a mom. The only spit that would have happened would have been me frantically spitting out the word "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Bless you.

Rachel said...

Hahaha, Caitlin I just love you. I wish we lived closer because I think we would have a fun time together. By the way, if my husband saw me doing this, he would scold me as a mother and say he couldn't believe what I was allowing to happen. I think it's just fine. Let them explore. Hey, they're non-toxic, right?

Jenners said...

I love that you photograph this happening so we can have a post about it rather than stopping his transformation into Smurf Hitler! ; )